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Contact: Valerie Hayes
Phone: 408.838.9595
E-Mail: valerie.hayes@happyabout.info

Announcing the release of the book that will make you laugh as much as it makes you think. Read more at http://happyabout.info/memoirs-money-lady.php/

Cupertino, CA - January 10, 2007

At last, a book for all readers about money and investing that is a page-turner, makes readers laugh aloud, doesn't wax pretentious and offers user-friendly examples and advice.

"Memoirs of the Money Lady", Evelyn Preston's fictionalized account of her career odyssey, will enlighten you with her adventures in the financial field during 'the bad old days' of iffy deals and industry excesses. This lighthearted look at a woman's breaking into the business world also proves that anyone can raise their net worth along with their self-worth.

Savvy About Executive Editor Francine Gordon says "As a non-fiction publisher, the decision to offer a fictional book had to be weighed carefully. After reading the first couple of chapters, I knew we had to publish this book. It's entertaining and educational at the same time. Evelyn's light, witty style will surely captivate while giving some basic investment strategies that can boost the confidence of ordinary investors, showing they know more than they realize about all this 'money stuff'.

Evelyn's experiences are retold in an open, honest way that provides many tips that readers will find helpful in the journey towards a healthy investment portfolio and comfortable retirement. Give yourself the gift of a good read, a good laugh, and some good advice today!

Key stats on "Memoirs of the Money Lady: Is This a Great Business or What!"

About the Author
Over the past twenty-five years, Evelyn Preston has held real estate, insurance and securities licenses generating clients through calls, seminars and referrals. Previously, she taught secondary education, wrote a series of personal articles for the Palo Alto Weekly, was a Redbook "Young Mother" and published/co-authored newspaper and magazine articles, most recently on financial issues. She has spoken professionally to large and small women's groups and led her own financial workshops, "Money Smarts for Women". Evelyn has also helped start a fresh soup business via store-to-store marketing.

About Savvy About™
Savvy About(tm) books are written by successful business women to support the professional growth of existing and future successful business women.

About Happy About®
Happy About® books deliver wisdom. Our books are smaller, compact, high-impact reads that are typically 80-150 pages and are delivered in paperback, eBook, or podbook format. Visit Happy About (http://happyabout.info/) for more info. For quantity discounts, feel free to contact the publisher: Mitchell Levy mitchell.levy@happyabout.info - 408-257-3000

Press Copies
A free copy of the book is available to the press upon request. Please send an e-mail to prupdate@happyabout.info

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